Thank you to everyone who contributed to
our 2022-2023 Annual Appeal and
the Love Your Library Campaign!
We are sincerely grateful to those who have kindly contributed gifts of support to the Hampton
Community Library’s 2022-2023 Annual Appeal. Thanks to your generosity, we are able to fulfill our
mission and serve our community. Thank you.
Every attempt has been made to ensure that this list is accurate and complete.
If you believe there is an error, please contact the library at 412-684-1098.
Click here to view a list of the contributors to the 2021-2022 campaign.
Click here to view the lists of contributors for previous years.
Nobel Prize $500+
Emma R. Bionda
Robert and Paula Carrell
Frances and Roger Dice
Lawrence and Teresa Flatley
William and Lindsey Fustos
Steve and Judy Gifford
Andrew and Linda Halcoussis
Christine Hollinger
Lorraine Hudock
Elizabeth Kairys
Glenn and Eileen Kidd
Greg and Lauren Kornick
Micah and Katie Lowell
Dan Petro and Suzanne Morrissey
Nancy Rumon
Josh Shulman and Lissa Geiger Shulman
William and Alison Strome
Jack and Marian Wilson
Cindy Zehmisch
Pulitzer Prize $250-$499
Betty Dixon
The Easler Family
Roger B. and Kathleen S. Eichner
The Hamberg Family
Jim and Jody Janovsky
David and Theresa Aiken
Jessica Camacho-Cook
Peter Carr and Jessica Preston
Sari Cole
Keith and Nancy Connolly
Leslie Kozler and Bryant Wesley
Harry and Katie Nagel
Andrew and Becky Parker
Dundee Simoni and Patrick Kelly
Caldecott Medal $100-$249
A&S Carpet Collection
Bud Baker
Cathy and Ray Bamrick
Rita Baranwal
Susan and Jeffrey Basista
Jeffrey and Ellen Bauman
Mary Lynne Bennett Piano Studio
Jim and Sue Bond
The Boothe Family
Robert and Lori Boucher
Joan Brewer
Clare Browne
Richard Bruehlman and Patricia McGuire
James Bucklad
Jerry and Laurie Burdett
The Cafaro Family
Ruth Caldone
Carol Capezzuti
Matthew and Susan Carl
Mr. and Mrs. David Caruso
David Cheung and Yan Cheng
The Clutter Family
Jill and Steve Cole
Rebecca Craig-Fulmer
Patricia Criste
Bruce Crowley
Lisa and Keith Davis
Devlin's Pointe Apartments
Don and Joan Dieter
Beth Docherty
Margot and Jerry Doherty
Joanne Dougherty
The Dudenas Family
Jeff and Wendy Dutkovic
Deborah Eaton
Celeste Ehrhardt
Hal and Sue English
Stephen Ferber and Nancy Jurik Ferber
Tina and Christopher Flowers
Charlotte and John Fong
Thomas M. Garasic
The Garbon Family
Tom and Mary Garnett
Lawrence Gaus
Sybil and John Geraud
C.A. Gill
Deborah Gooden
Amy and Michael Grimes
Scott and Kassandra Hart
Christine Hartung
Rich and Aggie Haverlack
Charles Hecht
Mr. and Mrs. R. Heller
The Herchenroether Family
John and Helen Hoffman
Mrs. Susan Hogarty
Donna and Edgar Holtz
David and Helen Houggy
Naomi and John Howard
Carolynn and Scott Johnson
Judy and Bob Johnstonbaugh
Glenn and Phyllis Jones
Patrick and Cindy Kelly
Cyril (Drew) Koval and Teresa Wolken
Mark and Bonnie Kridler
Robert Krizner
Elena V. Kureichyk
Dennis and Clare Ann Kuremsky
Joe Lagnese
Darren Lamb
Wayne Landy
Mike and Jan Langnecker
Jenny Lauff
Diana W. Lawry
Karrie Lee
Drs. Heather and Charles Li
Catherine Lindner
George and Lois Lutz
William Marshall and Patricia Wagner
Rachel Mazzoni
Melissa Mazzotta
Jill McConnell
Terri McDermott
Kevin and Elizabeth McElhone
Melissa McLane
Catherine McVeety
Nicholas Means
Zachary Merritt
Donald Messner
Mark and Betsy Millstine
Dennis and Gwen Muir
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Murphy
Phyllis and Joe Murray
Richard M. Nugent, Jr.
The Okerberg Family
Allie Oswell
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Palmer
John W. Parrish III and Sierra Baril
Tom and Lisa Perry
Mike Peters
The Poorbaugh Family
Mr. Albert A. Presto
John Rakszawski
Bill and Maryann Rasile
Charles Robison
Rob and Ann Rock
Barry and Vicky Rogers
Donna and Nick Rothmeyer
Peter and Carol Russ
Cindy Rylands
Patrick Santelli
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Shipley
Eileen Sieger
Mary Lynn Smith
Jerry and Patricia Speakman
The Sprankle Family
Donald and Janet Stahlman
Kristi Stiegler
Flacc and Beth Stifel
Walt and Becky Stoy
Tom and Karen Tabor
John and Barbara Tedesco
Cheryl Templeton
Ann and Dick Thomas
Jim Thompson and Dannie Yocco
Mr. Michael J. Tulley Jr.
Jean E. Wagner
Eric and Allison Waldschmidt
Brian and Renee Wallace
Eleanor Webb
Lisa and Keith Weddell
Philip Williams
Lauren Williams
Susan and John Wisneski
Kim Wolfendale
Barry and Suzy Zasloff
Tracey Zigo
Newbery Medal $50-$99
Acts of Random Kindness
Marilyn Adams
June Anderson
Sandra Anderson
The Andreas Family
Jerry and Fran Angelo
Lawrence and Linda Bagley Family
Jean Baratka
Joe Barricella
The Beck Family
Bill Benzer
Paul Bernick
Rob and Hongwei Bittner
Joanne Brado
Margaret Brown
Karin Brown
Kevin and Theresa Cowan
Emily and Paul Dausch
Don and Ginny Dawson
The Derence Family
Bob and Nan Dotts
Eileen Drake
Colleen Drzemiecki
Joan England
Patsie Evans
Mark and Carolyn Farabaugh
Don and Bernadette Fazio
Tom Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. James Fuchs
Karen Gethen
Karl and Alice Gibson
The Govi Family
Karen Gust
Joan and Jon Harrigan
Sandra Hartman
Larraine Hepner
Clifton R. Hollihan
Sue Hunter
Adrienne Ingram
Randall Kahler
Irene and Kevin Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Robert King
Erin Kliber
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lakatos
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lillion
Chris & Janet Lochner
Vernon Long
The Lopez Family
Craig and Patrice Luchansky
Jane Lutinski
Mauro and Sandy Macioce
Catherine Maguire
Cathy and Jim Mall
Theodore H. Martin
Kathleen Matesic and Patrick Plunkett
Amy Mattson
Jonathon and Sharon McAwley
John McDonough
John A. McIntyre
Luann McMillin
Paul Molingowski and Carolyn Thompson
Sheila Monarko
Joseph and Elaine Oesterle
Sheila and Rob Omecene
Dan and Chris O'Rourke
Nancy Painter
The Palladino Family
Jan Parker
Joseph Pingenot
Barbara Poorbaugh
The Rauso Family
Robert and Nancy Reinsel
Madeline Reuther
Lorena and Bill Ringle
Joe and Cynthia Rivosecchi
Lauren Roberts
Dan and Mary Jane Rosek
Marie Rudert
Donald Schratz
Gerland and Nancy Sever
Joan and Roman Shuman
Greg and Wendy Smith
Helen Spakauskas
Mary Lou Spindt
Patricia Stark
Catherine and Bruce Steckel
David and Donna Stell
Cindy and Bill Stilz
Ludmila Stolc
Elaine Stone
Dee Swierkowski
Nancy M. Thornton
Wanda Trdinich
D. Truitt
Dave and Mary Van Gorder
Larry and Chris Vasko
The Voelker Family
Frank J. Vuljanic
Dena and Ted Walzl
A.P. Wierzbowski
Lynn Wikert
Frank W. Wood
Anita Wurthner
Yuan Zhang
O’Henry Prize $25-$49
Theodore Alexovich
Jonathan and Catherine Arvay
Linda Bagaley
Brett and Diane Balint
Alfred Bartoldi
Tamara Bentley
Bill and Pat Best
Mary Bialosky
Karen Bordt
Blayke Bridge
Judith and Charles Brooks
Pat Burt
Joseph Casselberry
Mr. and Mrs. Claus
The Colbert Family
Roger and Kay Cramer
Daniel Croushore
Dan and Christen Damico
Janet Duffy
Mildred Early
James Ferrar
Lisa Fitzgerald
The Fortes Family
Carl and Nancy Frank
Concetta Geier
M.L. Gimigliano
Abigail Gregg
Tom and Kathy Gribbin
Danielle Grilli
Geraldine M. Grzybek
Dorothy L. Gustafson
Christine Hardman
Jack R. Harnick
Isabella K. Haubach
Lenore Hays
Laurence and Karen Hayward
Teresa Heid
Linda Heithoff
The Helfrich Family
Karen Henderson
Deacon Clifford M. Homer
Greg and Karen Homoki
Mary Jane Huber
Tom Jewart
Maureen Keim
John and Ruth Keksz
Dorothy Kelley
Anna M. Kelly
Julie and Jim Kester
Beverly and Ron Klinefelter
Bob Kocan
Melissa Kortyna
Albert F. Kucharski
Janice Landefeld
Matt and Katie Lasek
Cheryl Loesch
Mike and Bonny Maguire
The Marinelli Family
Marcia Mayhew
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCullough
Virginia McNally
Walter and Mary Mikulan
Rich Miles
Scott Miller
Margy and Barry Mitnick
Dorothy Mizgorski
John Musher
Dolores and Willliam Obringer
Janet Ott
Shirley Peterson
Hanna Popick
Arlene Rider
Loretta A. Rooney
Bill and Peggy Ross
Robert and Linda Sasinoski
Michael Saylor
Deborah Schaltenbrand
Joan and Cliff Schoff
Bev Schonbachler
Jeanne and John Seserko
The Somma Family
Betsy and Ed Spearline
Alex Spiess
Mr. William Stegman
Nancy and Bernie Stiegler
Matthew and Stephanie Straub
Janet M. Talik
Esther M. Tolan
Huu N. Tran and Chau M. Nguyen
Dr. & Mrs. David V. Morse
William Vogel
Rose Wagner
The Watson Family
Danielle Weaver
William and Monica Weiss
Fred and Darlene Wheeler
Reader’s Choice
The Albrecht Family
Richard and Deborah Bates
Robert and Ruth Ann Betz
The Eberhardts
Judy Gross
Phil Jannetta
George and Anita Maier
Gerald R. McCartan
Nancy Mitchell
John Neelan
Richard Oberlander
Lucille Palmer
Frank and Barbara Petroy
Joseph Saber
Rita Schaier
Kathleen Shaulis
Ken and Lois Shirk
Joanne Smith
Tom and Ruth Weinman
Linda Youngker
In Honor Of:
Albrecht Children
Dakota and Trey
The Library Staff and volunteers
McAwley Children
Barb Petroy
In Memory Of:
Thelma Andreas
The Bartoldi Children
Tony Bionda
Banned Books
Barbara Barricella
H.J. Dixon
Janet Docherty
Edward Ehrhardt
Albert "Jerry" Ferber
Spenser Flowers
Donna Frattaroli
Janet Garnett
Charlotte Hoburg
Jerry Hogarty
William E. Johnston
Joseph Vuljanic
Joe Landefeld
Cara Lawry
Edward Lawry, Jr.
Catherine Lochner
Gilda and Zoltan Lupes
Cathy McDonough
Jim Myers
Bill Ott
Carol Putka
Robert J. Rylands DDS
Christine Rylands Young DMD
Linda Sachs
Austin A. Sauer
Betsy and Ed Spearline’s Parents
James Wassell
Raymond R. Webb Jr.
Fred and Darlene Wheeler’s Parents
Many Thanks:
Jack Buncher Foundation
2024-2025 Annual Appeal