Hi Friends
Will you sing an Alphabet Song with Me?
It's time for the Letter of the Day:
(tune is the Farmer and the Dell)
The letter of the day,
The letter of the day,
Hip, hip, hip-hooray,
Today is letter "F!

Can you draw a big letter F in the air?
Stand up, point your magic finger out in front of you. Now draw a tall down, slide right, slide right.
*The complete Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Manual can be found here.
*Letter F practice using the American Sign Language Alphabet can be found here.
F says "fffuh"
And F says "ffffuh"
Every letter makes a sound
Fsays "ffffuh"
Can you think of words that start with the letter F?
Ok, Ok, so my daughter & I had a little debate tonight while writing this post. She thinks you, dear readers, would like to see some "f" for "flamingos:"
I suggested you would rather see some"f" for "farm." Technically, this is an orchard, not a farm, but close enough. And anyway, it's a double-whammy becasue the apples we picked are "f" for Fuji:
(I think she won, those flamings are super duper cute).
Today Ms. Suzy reads Mouse's First Fall by Lauren Thompson & A Fall Ball for All by Jamie Swenson:
Toodleloo, Kangaroos!