A community One Book, is a book that everyone, all ages & abilities can enjoy. Check out a copy of One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of the Gambia, by Miranda Paul. Get inspired to make a positive change in your community! You can watch an interview with the author & her inspiration at https://youtu.be/Wz46PVcCZxs
Celebrate the joy (and benefits) of reading all week long with our 2021 community partners:
Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse
Rachel Carson Trail Conservancy
Special Thanks To: Hampton Township school librarians: Elizabeth Casey, Maureen Herold, Erin Prosser, Diane Fierle, and Amy Eidenshink
Get involved! Enter the Recycling Contest here. Bring submissions to the library before April 9 to participate. What kind of treasure will you create from recyclable materials?

Get your daily dose of Vitamin D while exploring your community, with the Rachel Carson Trail Conservancy GeoTrail. (link: https://www.rachelcarsontrails.org/trails/geotrail)
Help gather art supplies for the Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse. See this flier for more information. Drop off materials at the library until April 9th, or for larger donations, contact the Center https://pccr.org/donate/. You donation makes arts education stronger in our communities while helping keep waste out of our environment!
Follow the Center on their Instagram channel for tons of awesome art-making ideas https://www.instagram.com/creative_reuse/channel/
Did you know that using your library card benefits the community? Not only do all patrons have unlimited access, 24/7 to great resources including eBooks, audiobooks, periodicals & databases, but using library materials is cost-effective & helps reduce environmental impacts! https://iiisy1.einetwork.net/patroninfo~S1/
2024-2025 Annual Appeal