Hi Friends!
We have started a new project over at the Hampton Community Library: Spark Bags.
Each week, we will have an activity prepared to *spark* curiosity. Explore physics, chemistry, art, music, yoga & more, then share what you created on the library Facebook or Instagram. This week we explore the concepts of planning & producting a work of art. Take time to reflect on symbolism---what kinds of images/designs does an artist use to make their work meaningful?
Just Imagine...you are a graphic designer & the Tooth Fairy asks you to design a fun & funky pillowcase for her to carry on her adventures!
Task 1: Design a stamp & use it to print a pattern onto a miniature pillowcase. Two our favorite ways to make a stamp:block print with cardboard and crafty collograph prints because it's easy to find lots of supplies lying around the recycling bin:) Check out a technique used to create beautiful printed fabric with wood block in India, or jump right in with your own ideas. Just remember the printed image will be reversed.
Task 2: Make your own paint or fabric dye using plants!
(A super deep-dive from the USDA can be found here)
So there's no pressure to waste food, you can make your own dye from lots of sources. We make orange dye to color eggs in spring by boiling onion peels. Just remember to use common sense with toxic plants/chemicals. Or just paint with dirt
Or just grab those mostly-dried-markers (Bookkitty finds those kind of treasures in the couch cushions & under the stove)
Bookkitty usually likes to put in a quote here on the Spark Bag post...but today, thinking about all the fun ways to play with artmaking, we decided to send you over to the Museum of Play to find your own favorite quote.
So maybe today is just a thinking-about-art kind of day. Here are two of wonderful storytime favorites for our arty friends:
Alrighty, happy making things all week long! Please remember the *most* important rule: If you are big enough to make a mess, you are big enough to clean it up.
Toodleloo, Kangaroos