Hi friends,
Ultimately, the only power to which man should aspire is that which he exercises over himself.” -Elie Wiesel
Today's selection is all about taking control of yourself. I hope you enjoy listening to Cookies by Arnold Lobel.
Frog &Toad talk a lot about having willpower. It always makes me giggle the way Toad comes up with strategies to help himself stop eating cookies & Frog just points out how difficult it will be even with obstacles in place. "But we could climb the ladder & open the box." What do you think abotu willpower? What are some times in your life that you needed willpower? Did you come up with some good strategies to help yourself? Oftentimes we need willpower to be wait. Patience, delayed gratification, holding out till tomorrow, saving money, taking turns, waiting for your storytime video to upload...yah, our lives are full of these experiences.
Just like Frog & Toad compliment each other, so do Fiction & NonFiction Grab your library card (if you don't have one yet, you can register for free online today & get free, full access today!) & check out Scholastic BookFlix. "Through carefully paired fiction & nonfiction texts, early learners discover the joy of reading while building real-world knowledge & beginning reading skills"
Frog &Toad are besties. Think about what makes a good friend. Maybe you haven't been able to see as many friends these days becasue of social distancing. Today is a great day to make a piece of art to celebrate a special friend. Gather some supplies to make an homage (special honor or respect shown publicly) to a Friend. You could cut words from newspaper or magazine, draw, paint, sculpt...
So next time you are feeling a bit rowdy or need a good laugh, head outside and holler to the sky "hey birds, here are cookies!"
Toodleloo, Kangaroos
Today's book:
Frog and Toad Together by Arnold Lobel
For more information about Arnol Lobel read this article watch some classic animated stories about Frog and Toad at Reading is Fundamental.
Thanks to Pexels contributers for providing awesome video clips.