Hi Friends,
Today we hear from the book Sweep: the Story of a Girl and Her Monster, by Jonathan Auxier:
"What is the difference between a story and a lie" ~Jonathan Auxier
So did you get a chance to think about that powerful quote, dangling above? What did you come up with?
The author offers readers a glimpse into the world of Victorian London. Take some time to view the photographs and read the descriptions. How is life similar today? How is it different?
From just this one chapter, the reader gets to discover many wonderful themes that run through the book. Generosity, friendship, humor, equity, social justice, fantasy, faith...the list goes on. It is the kind of book that you want to share with others, that inspires deep ideas & discussions. I hope you find time to read the entire book & share it with someone special!
Toodleloo, kangaroos!
Today's book was: Sweep: the Story of a Girl and Her Monster, by Jonathan Auxier. Find out more about the author at his website, the Scop. Listen to an interview with the author, or watch a smorgasborg of books recommended by the author:)
Some of you might remember reading Sweep a few years ago for the Children's Choice Awards. You can find a list of the 2021 finalists here.
Thanks to Pexels contributers for providing awesome video clips.