The author gives us lots of things to think & talk about with the story. Maybe number one, there is an extraordinary amount of empathy felt towards Ramona. Can you think of some words that the author used that help us to understand Ramona, that help us to feel compassion towards her?
Turn & talk to a friend or sibling or adult who is here listening with you. Talk about how you respond to all the emotions that Ramona experiences. What kind of person do you think she is? Have you ever felt some of these emotions? What about her parents? Her sister?
Consider these two pieces of advice Ramona's parents suggest to her:
"There are all kinds of teachers in the world just like there are all kinds of other people, and you must lean to get along with them"
"Love isn't like a cup of sugar that gets used up. There is enough to go around, loving Beezus doesn't mean that that we don't have enough left for you."
Both are true statements about the world. Do you think it helpful advice? What could a person who feels like Ramond does about school or her sister do about it?
This book was written in 1975. If Ramona was six years old in 1975, how old would she be today, in 2021? Do you think the story is still relevent and meaningful to kids today? How has the world changed? How is it the same?
Ok, Battle of the Books time! Can you remember the answers to these trivia questions about the story?
Which spelling words did Beezus illustrate for Mr. Cardoza?
What three animals does Ramona draw for her homemade coloring book?
What color paper is the progress report printed on?
What is the name of the Quimby's cat?
What is the word that Ramona thinks is a "bad word"?
What did Beezus think frankincense & myrrh were?
What did Ramona think frankincense & myrrh were?
What evidence does Ramona give for why she thinks Mrs. Griggs doesn't like her?
What did Beezus think frankincense & myrrh were?
What is the title of the book that Ramona doesn't want in her room at bedtime & hides under a sofa cushion?
Ramona likes to do creative things (draw animals) but she also finds it soothing. What kinds of activities do you like to do that help you to just chill & feel good?
Toodleloo, my dearest Kangaroos!
Today's book was: Ramona the Brave, by Beverly Cleary. Find out more about the author at her website. Don't forget to celebrate Beverly Cleary on April 12th for D.E.A.R. Day (Drop Everything And Read). Read an article about why the world of Ramona Quimbyhas remained relevent for so many years. Listen to the author herself explain how her world changed in 3rd grade in this 2020 interview.
Thanks to Pexels contributers for providing awesome video clips.