Hi Friends
Today's story is Rotton Teeth, written by Laura Simms & illustrated by David Catrow:
1. Surprise, it's a math pop-quiz:
In the story, Melissa is in first grade. How old is her brother? Helpful details from the story include "Norman was seven years older than Melissa." I'll give ya a hint. *Most* first graders are 6-7 years old.
Let's do some deeper thinking :)
2. Some people really love an audience, they seem confident & capable to talk on & on about anything! Others feel anxious about speaking in front of others, even about things they are really knoweldgeable about. What does the author try to teach us about storytelling with this book? Think about how Melissa discovers how to tell a good story...Some things that Bookkitty noticed are: talk about things that YOU think are exciting, include lots of details, show real examples of the thing you are talking about & know your audience. This last one is what causes Melissa's teacher to say the show-n-tell is "not appropriate." Legit, a jar of extracted teeth is many things, but do you agree that it is inapropriate for show-n-tell? If you were the teacher, how would you have handled the situation differently so that Melissa didn't feel so embarassed.
3. Melissa feels a whole range of emotions during the story. Think of some adjectives (describing words) for each part of the story:
-when Melissa is thinking about what to bring for show-n-tell
-when Melissa is standing in front of the class for the first time
-when the teacher takes the teeth away
-when the classmates are eager to hear Melissa tell more stories
-when Melissa's father picks her up after school
-when the kids vote Melissa as the Absolutely Most Special Show and Tell of the Year
So, what are you going to bring to share at YOUR next show-n-tell?
Toodleloo, Kangaroos
Today's book:
Rotton Teeth by Laura Simms
For more information about Laura Simms, visit her website, and you can watch an interview with illustrator David Catrow.
Thanks to Pexels contributers for providing awesome video clips.