Hello Friends,
Our lovely green & orange Pittsburgh Autumn is here! How I love the crisp air, leaves crackling under foot, the gentle rain & the hint of frost in the morning. These are the last golden days where just a sweater & scarf are enough. Bonfires & hay rides, apple picking & pumpkin carving, .
Now that we have got into the rhythm of school, it is easy to be inspired by our little animal friends, gathering & storing before Jack Frost comes knocking on our windows.
5 little Jack-o-Lanterns sitting on the gate
the first one said "let's don't be late."
The second one said "there are witches in the air!"
The third one said "oh, we don't care,"
the fourth one said "it's Halloween fun."
And the fifth one said "we can run & run & run!"
WoooooooOOO went the Wind & OUT went the Light,
the 5 Little Jack-o-Lanterns rolled out of sight.
During this time of year, we can be inspired by a special Mexican celebration, Dia De Los Muertos & take time to think about our family & ancestors.
Check out the Dia de Los Muertos storytelling event from the Lake Travis Community Library
Learn more about your own ancestry with your county library card: access Ancestry.com’s Library Edition, or these other free geneology sites.
Caregivers, I'm speaking directly to you:
Did you know that researchers at Emory University have found that "Family stories provide a sense of identity through time, and help children understand who they are in the world." You could write a letter or make a phone call to Great Aunt Mellie or Grampa Tillsby, ask them to tell you stories & share photographs. Talking about our history helps us to understand who we are & where we are going. Ghosts aren't scary, repeating the negative parts of history are.
Wishing you all light & love as guide your kiddos through their lifetime.
Toodleloo, Kangaroos.