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On the Road: Masters of Music

Hi Friends,

Sing along with Ella Fitzgerald:

Did you hear that awesome part at the end when she makes up words, kinda mixing & dropping sounds together? That's a singing style called "scat." Maybe you can try scat singing to the tune of "Twinkle Little Star" or "Happy Birthday" while you play with toys or out in the snow this afternoon.

Bookkitty was listening to the radio this weekend and heard a really cool story that celebrates African American women who play the guitar.

Let's play "I Spy" with the musical instruments:

Can you find a percussion instrument that you play using sticks?

Can you find a percussion instrument that you play by pressing down keys?

Can you find a string instrument?

Can you find something black that is used to record sounds?

Can you find music printed on paper?

Can you find a brass instrument?

Do you know what a trombone sounds like? Let's listen to the story Trombone Shorty, by Troy Andrews, read by Angela Bassett from our friends at Storyline Online. Listen carefully for the glorious toots, booomphs & brrrrrrahhhhuph sounds made by a trombone:

Sometimes people think about the "music" that is made with color & shapes that harmonize in a painting or drawing. You can make bring colored paper sing in a collage inspired by the artist Alma Thomas:

Did you know that February is African American History Month? Celebrate with a great book from one of the reading lists, selected by your favorite librarian experts over at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.

Toodleloo, Kangaroos!

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