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On the Road: New Friends on the Rachel Carson GeoTrail

Hi Friends!

What an exciting week we are having at the library---it's Read Across America time:)

This year, our community decided to reach beyond the library & school campus. We invite everyone---friends, neighbors, grandparents, mail carriers, shop keepers, helicopter pilots, underwater basketweavers, puppies, palentologists---to read the book One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of the Gambia, by Miranda Paul.

Can you think of some things to do with a plastic bag?

We can help protect our environment by finding ways to recycle/upcycle materials. We can also commit to using lest single-use plastics. We can plant a pollinator garden. You can find 50 more great ideas here.

What could be cooler than having our very own hometown environmental heroine? Having a super fun outdoor adventure inspired by the champion of environmental activism, the one, the only, Rachel Carson.

The Rachel Carson Trail Conservancy has created a fun video to introduce participating families to their new mini-geotrail. The video demonstrates how to geocache and find new ways to explore outdoors free of charge!

Maps for the RCTC Mini-geotrail are also available at the Hampton Community Library or at:

Now that Spring is sprung-ish, lace up your sneakers & head outside! Nothing helps us to appreciate our environment better than a tromp through Nature. Find out more about Rachel Carson's early life at the Homestead or take a drive across the Rachel Carson Bridge.

You can find lots of great nature guidebooks, eco crafting, stories about nature & more environmental activitst biographies at the library. Grab your library card (and save some trees while you're at it!) & expand your mind.

Remember the sky you were born under, remember each of the star's stories -Joy Harjo

Need help finding a book? Ask a librarian;) Or browse these websites:

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more Read Across America week activities, including an Eco-Activist STEAM contest, PCCR supply Drive & more!

Toodleoo, my eco-roos!

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