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  • Writer's pictureBookkitty

On the Road: Snowy Story

Hi Friends,

Ok my dear friends in Library Land, here is a clue to the kind of adventure Bookkitty went on this week:

(this is a good image to use for a quick game of I Spy...can you see anything that starts with the letter W?) Can you guess what we investigated? Technology! Yes, we are very lucky to be able to do sooooooo many things with our computers. What kinds of things do you & your family do with computers?

One of Bookkitty's most beloved & esteemed (that is another wonderful word to know) friends, Linda, recorded a special storytime to share with you this week. Well, it was quite an adventure we had figuring out how to get this video from a computer all the way in Delaware to a computer here in Pittsburgh. (Maybe you have some ideas about how this process works by using the Internet.)

Are you ready to join Linda for an exciting adventure in the snow?

Did you figure out what a toboggan was? A sled!

Linda is an early childhood educator, so like a children's librarian, she has a song & a rhyme for every occasion! Stand up, & stretch your arms up to the sky, wiggle your fingers & tap your toes:

What else do you like to play in the snow? Next time it snows where you live, get bundled up & lay down in a soft, clean spot. Close your eyes & listen. See if you can hear the soft flakes falling, the or drip-drops melting. Bookkitty loves that muffled quiet that comes from the branches & roofs being covered in a blanket of snow!

On days when it is too cool (or too muddy) to play outside, yoga can be a wonderful way to stretch & move your body. You can do Rainbow Yoga anytime, in any kind of weather:

Thanks for sharing some of your time with us today:)

You can join Ms. Suzy on Alphabet Road on Thursday with the letter "L" storytime or check back on Fridays for another episode of Listen Up. Don't forget to register for the winter reading challenge; it's a fun way to help motivate yourself to snuggle up with a great book every day. Looking for more ways to fill those snowy days? Our friends at ALCA Youth Services have put together a new BINGO activity card for families to keep you entertained all month long:

Toodleloo, kangaroos!

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